Sunday, July 17, 2016

Reincarnation of ancient egyptian priestess

In 1907, when she was three years old, Dorothy Eady fell down to the stairs in Blackhead house in a suburb of London, where she lived with her Irish-born parents. Her mother lifted her up and called the doctor hurry. When he arrived, after a brief examination, he said that the girl had died. An hour later, when he returned to draw up the death certificate, Dorothy found her sitting on the bed in her room, playing.

Since then, the girl began to have more frequent dreams in which she saw a large building with columns, surrounded by a garden full of flowers and trees. Often no apparent reason, her parents found her crying. When asked why she was crying, she responded that she wanted to return home, but she did not know where she lives. One day, her mother is going to visit British Museum, along with her sister. Dorothy's mother took her with them. She has accompanied not happy, but when she entered the gallery reserved for Egyptian mummies, started running happily through the halls, embracing the statues that were displayed there. Her mother tried to reassure her and take her to the upper floors, but Dorothy refused. She went to a mummy sarcophagus placed in a glass and sat down beside her. Because the little girl did not want in any way that up, her mother and sister had left her there and went to visit other rooms. When they returned and told her that they must go home, Dorothy was hanging glass sarcophagus shouting "Leave me here! They're my parents." Terrified mother barely pulled out the girl who almost screaming.

A few months after this incident, her father bought her an encyclopedia, but she was not interested only part devoted Egypt, asking parents to read them all the passages devoted to this country. Soon, the girl learned to read alone, wanting to decipher your favorite pages. One day, her mother found her magnifying glass looking at some hieroglyphics. "Even if you learn to read, you can not understand what is written in a language you do not know." The girl, then aged six, replied: "Yes, I know, but I forgot it."

One day, while browsing a new magazine brought by her father, she remained prohibited by a photo in front of the temple of Seti I in Abydos, Egypt. She showed him the photograph shouting, "This is the house where I lived! But where did the garden?". Her father asked her then to finish with inventions, because she knew she had not been in that building never almost completely destroyed, several thousand years old, and could not have a garden in the middle of the desert, where there was only sand. Shortly after the incident, Dorothy found a photo of the mummy of Seti I, the Pharaoh of the nineteenth dynasty Egyptian, went back to her father, saying that she knew the man. Again, he was furious, threatening her that he is tired of her lies. How to know that the dead pharaoh more than three thousand years? But Dorothy did not give up.

One day, to Catholic mass, she said that Egyptian religion, is three thousand years older than the Christian religion was true. Christians copied the Egyptian beliefs. Both Osiris and Jesus raised from the dead. Isis resembled the Virgin Mary. Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus looked very good with Osiris, Isis, and Horus. As a result, Dorothy was immediately kicked out of class and then expelled from school for refusing to sing a hymn in which God was entreated to curse them "Egyptians with black skin". She threw the head teacher's score.

After celebrating 10 years, Dorothy often truant from school to go to dream in front of Egyptian. One day, What you want to learn?" he asked a gentleman old. "Hieroglyphics". "In that case, I will teach you what you want to know." This makes the providence was none other than Sir Ernest Wallis Budge Alfred, a researcher of Egyptian antiquities at the British Museum, an expert on the history, language, and religion of ancient Egypt. Under this exceptional mentor, Dorothy has learned with astonishing rapidity fundamental reading hieroglyphics, being then able to decipher certain passages in "Egyptian Book of the Dead". All life, she had a huge affection of this old Egyptologist she loved as her father.
while looking at the hieroglyphics on a relief, an elderly gentleman with white hair, which had seen before in the museum, approached her and asked her why she was not at school at that hour? The girl replied that the school did not learn about what really interested her. "

British Museum
 She was told that she had become a “consecrated virgin” of the temple of Seti I, but had broken her vows by engaging in an affair with Seti. Rather than face certain horrific death at the hands of the High Priest, she had opted to commit suicide. Dorothy would write dream journals of what the spirit told her in hieroglyphics, and by the time she was done, she had written around 70 pages of her story, all in ancient Egyptian. These visitations also led to severe bouts of sleepwalking and nightmares, which became so bad that she visited a mental hospital on several occasions for observation.

Dorothy left school at the age of 16 and toured a variety of historical sites and ruins around Britain, including places such as Stonehenge, with her father. She would later move to Plymouth and become a student at Plymouth Art School, where she began to collect a wide assortment of Egyptian antiquities in her free time and participated in several drama presentations on ancient Egypt, taking the role of the goddess Isis. She also became politically involved in working for the goal of an independent Egypt and took a job at an Egyptian public relations magazine where she wrote articles and drew political cartoons to this end. 

At 29, Dorothy married a young Egyptian, met in London, Iman Abdel Mequid and went with him to Egypt. Shortly after the wedding, the young wife began to have visions of the Pharaoh Seti I, who visited regularly. Dorothy's mother, like father-in-law, were also witnessed one of the appearances. Some nights, the young woman out of bed to write, as would be dictated messages consist of hieroglyphics. One night appeared in a dream which told her noble character called Hor-Re and wants to tell the true story of her childhood when called Bentreshyt, that "Harp happiness."

Throughout the period when she worked in Egypt (Dorothy Eady has specialized in History and collaborated on research about life in Ancient Egypt), she led a double life. During the day acts as an Englishwoman cultivated and scholars who work in the department of antiquities, and the night became Bentreshyt, an Egyptian from the nineteenth dynasty, who praying in sacred places and, according to its receiving, some nights, Pharaoh Seti I visit her.

On March 3, 1956, Dorothy, who divorced in the meantime (her husband said he was overwhelmed by her nocturnal visions), aged 52, went to the city of Seti, Abydos, which she always found her true home straight. There she took the name of Omm Seti (mother of Seti), which she wore until her death. She lived in a modest house and always claimed that it is a reincarnation of a priestess who served in the temple of Seti I. Her excavations led to the discovery, all around the palace, which had described the garden as it was then a naive child who knew nothing about Egypt. Dr. Hanny el Zein, a chemical engineer and industrialist, became the best friend of Omm Seti and wrote several books with her. The first is "Abydos, the holy city of Ancient Egypt", published in 1981, the year of her Abydos. It is a highly competent history that deserves respect".
Professor John A. Wilson, best known of American Egyptologists wrote about this work: "It's incredible precision with which Omm Seti reviewing the smallest vestiges of the old

Department of Antiquities in Cairo Officer, in charge of the restoration of the temple in Abydos, said in his turn that his Omm Seti due to him and that the most important discoveries beyond her drawer talent seemed endowed with a sixth sense. "I do not know why I think she knows this place better than anyone else in the department of antiquities, even I can say with confidence that collaboration is indispensable to any archeological missions that want to be successful in Abydos region". Seti Omm's Adventure is an amazing story, but it is perfect borrower by knowing the site of Abydos and the exceptional contribution that he has made a science.

The temple at Abydos, erected by Seti I in the 13th century B.C., was a place of constant devotion for Dorothy. She would remove her shoes before entering and once inside worship the ancient Egyptian gods in what she believed was ‘the ancient way’. It was mainly through her dreams, recorded in detail in her diaries using a form of automatic writing, that she came to believe that she was the reincarnation of a fourteen-year-old virgin priestess called Bentreshyt, who had lived at the Temple of Abydos during the reign of Seti I.

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